
Jewelry trust with the value of certain investments there are some risks , Chinese jewelry

Related articles: recent years, alternative financial fierce wind getting up trust products. As the traditional trust business or limited or high profitability of alternative Trust began welcomed by high net worth population, such as the recent problems involving gold and silver, the trust income is not high, so high risk. industry experts said that the traditional trust products repression by the policy environment, the jewelry Trust is one of the few products with good investment value for money, with some investment value. However, there are some risks of such investment. Product Name: Shandong Trust? The diamonds the edge of the 1st diamond investment fund Capital Trust scheme size of funds: 20 million yuan trust period: 1 year expected annual rate of return: 7.5 funds to invest: The product is the Shandong Trust and the Industrial and Commercial Bank (601398, stock it) private banks jointly issued by the Ministry of the first phase of the project, to raise funds for the transferee Shenzhen Blue Rose Jewellery Limited value of not less than 40 million yuan Diamond revenue rights. It is reported that the trust expected annualized rate of return of 9%, which includes the Industrial and Commercial Bank of consignment fee, investors maturity do not want to hold a Diamond, the fact that only 7.5% of the yield. At the same time, the Trust diamond unified appraisal report issued by the Guangdong jade jewelry and precious metals testing center valuation. Diamond Identification and assessment in accordance with certain criteria, price by a specific formula is calculated. The diamond particles are identified, specific information can be found on the website by Certificate No.. Features: a product that created a precedent for the domestic diamond Trust To further guard against the solvency risk of the Blue Rose Jewelry Co., Ltd., Shenzhen, Shenzhen Shum Yip financing company limited by guarantee the Blue Rose repurchase remaining trust beneficial interest, the obligation to provide joint and several liability guarantee. Comment: In recent years, alternative trust products have sprung up everywhere. In the context of the narrow investment channels, the stock market downturn, the innovation of alternative trust products enable investors to share in the growth of the industry as a whole bonus attractive. Highly profitable, however, there is a high risk, Diamond Trust, for example, although the price is more transparent and standardized, but compared to gold and other more complex products, diamond valuation and price movements, lower degree of standardization. The Diamond Trust the risk is that capital to credit risk and volatility and liquidity risks, shall not be able to honor the diamond may not be worth that much money, investors will suffer losses. Product Name: the Fortune Trust unadorned beauty trust schemes 10.5% funds to invest in Zhang Tiejun Jewellery Group Co., Ltd. holds the underlying asset income right: the trustee of a trust to the trust funds of the transferee, the transferee expiration of 365 days, Zhang Tiejun Jewellery Group right to the agreed price, the repurchase of the underlying asset usufruct. Features: rare jewelry Trust in domestic trust products relatively strict risk control and Qualification checks. Undoubtedly reduce the risk to some extent, to ensure that the expected benefits of the product. Review: The so-called jewelry Trust is a trust company to raise funds to invest in gold and silver, jade and other high-end jewelry industry trust products. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009, the emerald rose an average of about 18% last year, or more than 30%. Upscale emerald or larger, and some even turned several times. Gold and silver jewelry industry sales from 2008 to 2010 year-on-year growth of 38.6%, 15.9%, 46%, and in 2011 more than 50% growth. Such Investment exciting. industry insiders believe, development of jewelry Trust market should go through three basic stages: First, the initial stage of the Chinese jewelery art trust, the characteristic of this stage is mainly in the retail market; Second, China's jewelry jade artwork stage of development of the trust, the characteristic of this stage is mainly to institutional buyers; Chinese jade jewelry art trust mature stage, the characteristics of this stage is through the jade jewelry artwork derivatives transactions. Currently, the the domestic jewelry Trust products is still in its infancy, mostly from the perspective of product structure financing sexual behavior. In this case, the investor's income mainly depends on the financing side jewelry business situation of enterprises, business conditions, the product will be higher benefit affordable, should be the strength of the secured party as an important consideration in the standard.

