
Collection of five diamond investment related standards , Chinese jewelry

Related articles: Diamond investment collection now has with gold, antiques comparable. Although each diamond is unique, is true. But for investment collection, diamond or a certain standard. So if you want to invest Favorite Diamond, or to know about the collection of some of the relevant standards on diamond investment. Standard 1: color VS size for entry-level collectors, D color flawless 10 kt white diamonds and colored diamonds more than 5 kt useful collection value. Fancy color and white diamond output from the same piece of ore and rock the Color Diamonds mining rate is much lower than white diamonds. 5-carat pink diamond has been considered rare. The highest level in the more than 5 kt Diamond (Fancy Vivid), can reach 10 to 100 million dollars / carat, D-color flawless white diamond is $ 200,000 / carat. The Color Diamonds scarce, so 5 carats fresh color Blue Diamond (Fancy Vivid Blue) is a very sought-after at auction. Was puzzled why the white diamond is not worth a little yellow, yellow diamond shockingly expensive.

That is because the high saturation of golden, lemon yellow will be identified as a fancy color. Standard 2: the bare drill VS jewelery was asked to bare diamond investment space larger than the diamond? In fact, only said the liquidity loose diamonds larger than the diamond. Diamond involves a different era of style, no uniform standards. This does not mean that the diamond collection value than loose diamonds. Dozens in size to an all carat nation's diamond necklace, for example, to find the diamond of the same color, shape spend at least two years, more rare than the same size nude drill. Standard 3: the new VS Old often customer asked the collection is not the older the more valuable it? In fact, not at all. More than a century jewelry is Antique antique jewelry, only 100 years old jewelry Period Jewellery years.

Diamond is buried billions of years in the ground, which in itself is antique! The market can not find the antique ornaments, most of them in royal hands. The royal family will be jewelry from generation to generation, even according to the change of the trend to change the style of the diamond. Before inventing the light bulb, people in candlelight hand polished diamonds, then cutting technology less developed, but with a unique classical beauty. The ancient art of jewelry manufacturing era has been lost, so genuine antique jewelry priceless ERA jewelry value may not be higher. Standard 4: basic models VS Alien drill people kind of the misunderstanding of the diamond, that the more complex the shape of the diamond, the more expensive, in fact, not the case. Equal 4C level diamond, the most expensive rare round and pincushion (Antique Cushion Cut).

